NOM : Lyons PRENOM: Zyra AGE : 24 ans METIER : Chanteuse/Danseuse dans un groupe
QUALITES : Acharnée et déterminée, persévérante, compétitive, aidante si confiante, prudente, joviale DEFAUTS : Impatiente, têtue, méfiante envers les étrangers, solitaire occasionnelle, curieuse, soupe au lait occasionnelle, bagareuse
° Zyra n'a encore jamais rencontré de grimm qu'elle considère comme un mythe. ° Elle est plus proche des Klaustreichs que des Löwens. ° Sa famille paternelle de Löwens est une famille influente mais également assez connue des mercenaires pour avoir remplis des contrats à leur nom. ° Elle n'a aucun petit ami pour l'instant. ° Zyra n'est jamais contre une nouvelle amitié tant que cette dernière est sincère. De son côté, elle ne laissera jamais tomber un(e) ami(e).
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Dernière édition par Zyra Lyons le Ven 10 Avr - 19:37, édité 3 fois
Ven 10 Avr - 18:45
Les liens de Zyra
Connaissance. Une Grimm. Nous nous sommes rencontrées au cimetière au détour du hasard. Elle est la première Grimm que j'ai croisé et contrairement à la réputation de son rang, elle est plutôt amicale.
prénom, nom
just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.
prénom, nom
just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.
prénom, nom
just to see her, just to touch her. just to hold her in my arms again one more time. If I could feel her warm embrace, see her smiling face. Can't find anyone to take her place. I've got to see her again. I would do anything, I would go anywhere. There's nothin' I wouldn't do, just to see her again. I can't hide it, no I can't fight it, It's so hard to live without the love that she gave to me. Doesn't she know it. I tried hard not to show it, oh can't I make her realize that she really needs me again.